In this new world of being COVID safe, social distancing and increased focus on hygiene and safety, how can trades workers ensure that they implement adjustments for van shelving and van racking that will protect workers, clients and customers alike? What sort of things need to be considered for now and going forward?
COVID has changed the way that many of us work, for better or worse. For any professions that have regular contact with other people, it is essential to prepare for contact with other people whose hygiene we can not guarantee. For those who drive vans and work vehicles to different sites on a daily basis, this means making sure that you and your clients are as safe as possible – whilst still allowing you to get the job done right.
Here are some ideas for how to adjust your van racking and van shelving layouts in your work vehicle that will help you to do just that!
1) PPE and Sanitation for van racking
Re-arrange your van shelving layout so that you can include a designated PPE and Sanitation section that can be easily accessed by anyone who needs to use your work vehicle. Being able to easily locate items such as gloves, masks, hand sanitiser, etc will not only give you the best chance at maintaining your own health, but also that of any clients that you come into contact with. Labelling this space will help you to identify your PPE section of your van racking even easier, and will also allow you to keep an eye on the inventory of these supplies and when they start running low.
2) Re-organise and label your van shelving
We know that bacteria and viruses can survive on surfaces for a long period of time, which makes it essential for workers with a van shelving layout to properly catalogue and organise materials accordingly. If your work vehicle contains items that are regularly used by both yourself and co-workers, section off these ‘communal’ spaces so that utensils and materials that are yours won’t be easily jumbled together – this will also make sterilising shared tools much easier, as you’ll be easily able to find them in the one location, instead of being spread all throughout your current van racking setup.
3) Clean your van shelving – even if you don’t think you need to
Look for common touch points throughout your van racking layout in your work vehicle, and understand where they all are. Are there handles or grips that you regularly touch? Are there areas that you regularly come into skin contact with? If so, identifying these and cleaning them regularly will go a long way towards ensuring your personal safety, as bacteria and viruses are easily spread by touching commonly used surfaces such as these. It’s simple to do but will make a big difference!
Hopefully these simple tips will make a difference when it comes to keeping your current van shelving or van racking in your work vehicle safe and secure! For all of your van racking and van shelving needs, contact us at SkyTeck and talk to us about how we can best provide for your needs.