Are you investing in industrial shelving units for your warehouse? If you are, its essential to make sure they have everything you need, right from the beginning.
At SkyTeck, we pride ourselves in providing the best industrial shelving in Brisbane, and so in this article you’ll be able to see 4 of the most important considerations you’ll need to keep in mind, as you weight up which industrial shelving option is right for you.
Should Pallet Racks Be Bolted To The Floor?
- Absolutely they should! When talking about standards of industrial shelving Australia -wide, it is essential for all pallet rack columns to be firmly and securely anchored with bolts. This does not mean you can just bolt down the aisle columns, but also that the interior and/or rear columns on all frames in use must be bolted down as well.
- To fit the requirements, all columns must end in a base plate, and contain anchor bolts that meet current design standards for durability and quality.
- These components required so as to ensure that your racks are kept upright and in place. Cyclones and freak weather events have been known to play havoc with industrial shelving Brisbane -wide, so give your industrial shelving units every possible chance!
- This base plate and the associated anchor bolts work together to protect your racks against any unusual force that may occur near the base of any of the columns. This could range from things falling against the racks through to forklift collisions, and you never know when an unexpected impact could affect your set-up. These vital components are essential for keeping your industrial shelving racks intact, and to ensure that everyone in the vicinity is kept safe. At SkyTeck we provide some of the best industrial shelving in Brisbane – have a look through our options to see what will best suit your facility.
Floor Type
- When it comes to installing the best industrial shelving in Brisbane, it’s essential to consider the floor type of your space. Certain floor types are easier to secure racks onto than others – for example, industrial warehouse floors are commonly made of many different materials, which could include:
1. Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT)
2. Concrete o Epoxy o Linoleum
- Most of the time, pallet racks and industrial shelving units are anchored to basic concrete. However, there do exist certain tools that you can use to make your industrial shelving installation easier, including:
1. Concrete wedge anchors, and
2. Concrete strike anchors
- Before you anchor your industrial shelving units to the floor, it’s essential to ensure it can withstand the weight and pressure that will be placed upon it. The considerations to keep in mind when working with industrial shelving Australia -wide include:
1. The size of the hole in the base plate
2. Any seismic activity in the area where the anchor will be used
3. The thickness of the flooring material
4. The levelness of the floor
5. The mechanical features of the flooring material
- In some cases, lightweight storage racks can be installed on surfaces other than concrete (e.g. wood decking, bar grating). However, a qualified engineer must be present to review and recommend the most appropriate means for anchoring or attaching the racks.
The Floor Slab / Soil Subgrade
- Before installing and anchoring any industrial shelving to the floor of your warehouse, you absolutely need to ensure that the new/existing floor slab on the site is completely capable of easily supporting the weights and loads you shall be putting onto it.
- In addition to industrial shelving units and storage racks, also keep in mind that the forklifts and other heavy machinery and equipment will be frequently traveling across this floor too. Even the best industrial shelving in Brisbane won’t be up to scratch if the floor supporting it is no good!
- Things to consider when laying your slab include: o The yield strength of the concrete floor (if made from concrete) o Slab thickness – bolts from industrial shelving units need to sit tight o Joint locations o The spacing and strength of the rebar / steel reinforcements o How level and flat the surface is o Any hidden or hard to see irregularities in the slab
- As well as analyzing your slab, it’s also important to consider the soil sub-grade of your warehouse or facility. All good industrial shelving Australia -wide requires a solid foundation, and a solid foundation is dependent on the sub-grade. Engineers and builders can measure the sub-grade and detail its’ thickness, its’ bearing capacity and soil quantity. Excess moisture can be a particular issue faced by industrial shelving Brisbane -wide, and the last thing you want is the soil to shift or settle over time which can lead to weaknesses in your foundation – and also in your industrial shelving.
Anchoring Near Slab Expansion Joints
- If you intend to anchor your industrial shelving units near the joints of your slab, it is vital that you take extra precautions.
- Building supervisors and engineers should be present during the installation of all industrial units Australia -wide to make sure that the placement and design of your shelving units conforms to the required specifications. The requirements for installing industrial shelving Brisbane builders are used to may be different to other places in Australia, so it is important to ensure that everything is within acceptable parameters. This also applies if you’ intend to replace damaged unit anchors.